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Studying medicine in Europe couldn’t be easier. With options throughout mainland Europe, MediQuest Europe can help you secure a place at a top medical school with full GMC accreditation, making your journey from medical student to junior doctor a breeze. We know how important it is to have the security of knowing you have a place and we will work with you to ensure you are the right fit for the right university.

Secure your place today at medical school with our 3 easy steps

Our recruitment experts & doctors will be able to offer advice, help you with your application and offer support for entrance exams. In fact, we’ve also partnered with BeMedics to offer an online application preparation course.

We have over 20 years’ experience helping students secure places overseas, so we know what’s involved. We will help you throughout the process from your application, right through to securing accommodation and settling in.

Study medical courses, taught in English that are recognised by the GMC & Global authorities

Fees starting from as low as £3,500 with very affordable accommodation options

Study at universities with state of the art facilities & a multicultural student population

Our team will work with you to choose the option that suits you the best and will help you with your application, including any translation services that may be needed, right the way through to securing your offer, helping you make the necessary payments and apply for your visa.

We have close relationships with our partners universities and have chosen to work with them as they offer excellent academic facilities, accommodation and most of all care about the student experience you will enjoy. Our universities know what it is like for you to leave your home to study overseas, so they ensure your transition is smooth and you quickly settle into your life and studies in Europe. Being in Europe also means you can travel back and forth to your family with ease.